End The Fighting, Blame, And Criticism In Your Relationship – Once And For All.

You Can Finally Feel Blissfully Connected, Appreciated, and Understood

Learn what we taught on “Oprah” and what millions of readers already know about how to completely transform even the most difficult of relationships into one of harmony, ease and honesty. We use these secrets every day in our 30+ years of marriage, and we can’t wait to share them with you.

Do you recognize any of these vicious cycles in your relationship?

You and your partner are always fighting. Often about the same topic, over and over again.

You feel like you never get what you need. It’s like your partner never listens to you. And you don’t feel much like listening, either.

You keep having the same argument over and over. About money. About chores. About when – and how often – to have sex.

If you have kids, you argue about how to parent them.

You feel utterly unappreciated, disconnected and alone. You are angry at your partner, at yourself. You are scared that ease and happiness is not possible, and you long to feel connected and inspired again.

Your relationship exists in a never ending cycle of frustration and hopelessness, and you can’t make things better no matter what you try.

Believe it or not – these feelings and problems are very common. We had the same problems in our relationship – and saw just how damaging they could be.

When one of these fights starts, the “fuse gets shorter” each time, and the littlest thing can trigger a full-blown fight – out of nowhere.

And the cycle of conflict increases. It becomes self-perpetuating, self-sustaining, and seemingly unstoppable.

But it is stoppable.

No matter how difficult it seems at this moment, things can change. You can be blissfully connected again.

And here’s how.

You CAN Break Free From The Destructive Patterns That Have Been Running Your Life

Every day, no matter where we are in the world, we meet people like you who desperately want to change their relationship. And every day we watch miracles happen.

Couples who couldn’t stand the sight of each other, melting into each other’s arms.

Decades-long freeze-outs ending in shared tears and easy laughter.

Horrible truths that have haunted one partner revealed – and transformed – into bedrocks of intimacy.

In participating in these transformations – literally hundreds of thousands of them – we have learned that no matter how difficult it is with you and your partner, all of it – every last painful bit – can be transformed into something filled with joy, passion, honesty and celebration.

No matter how little intimacy, laughter, sex or closeness you currently share…

Or how frequent the finger-pointing, blaming, anger, sadness, fear and jealousy…

Or how many times you’ve had the same fight on a seemingly endless loop…

You can end it all. You can burn all those terrible feelings to the ground. You can be free of them… forever. And out of the ashes, you can create a new relationship. A relationship filled with wonder, play and appreciation.

You wouldn’t be here, reading this letter, if you didn’t believe this is possible.

And you are right. And because of this belief – because you are taking this first small step to wonder if things can change…

You have the power to transform your relationship. And you can do it with your partner, or you can initiate the change all by yourself.

15 Years Without Blame And Criticism

When we met more than 30 years ago, we were both yearning for a new kind of relationship. We’d both been in marriages that left us unsatisfied. Gay had struggled through cycles of blame and criticism, while Katie felt stunted and unfulfilled.

We wanted to be able to be completely honest, and share our deepest, most difficult feelings and desires. We wanted to stop living in a world of constant criticism and complaint. We wanted to break the cycle our parents struggled through, and create something that fulfilled us as a couple, and as individuals.

It took us a few years to figure out how to make this deeply connected, criticism-free vision a reality, but we did it. Our relationship became a living laboratory – and once we saw the transformative power in our own lives, we turned it into a system we could teach others.

Since then, we’ve been on Oprah and 500 other TV and radio shows. We’ve been published in dozens of magazines and newspapers. We’ve got PHDs and 36 published books – 6 of them bestsellers. We’ve coached high-profile celebrities, CEOs and “Average Joes”.

But we don’t consider ourselves experts because of all this media, or even the thousands of individual couples we’ve helped in our living room and live trainings.

We are experts because we haven’t traded a cross word since the 1990’s.

That’s right. More than 15 years without criticizing each other, or finger-pointing, or going to bed angry, or feeling unsupported. More than 15 years in blissful harmony that we savor and are grateful for each day.

It wasn’t easy to get to this point, and we certainly had our bumps and bruises along the way, but here we are, and we want to teach all that we’ve learned to you.

The Relationship Breakthrough You’ve Been Aching For

Are you really ready to profoundly transform your relationship?

We think you are, and we’ve given everything we’ve got to help you do it. We took 30 years of breakthroughs and tools and codified them into a system that will change your life.

We reveal this system, which we simplified into 5 life-changing keys, in our foundational program, Breakthrough to Bliss. This program will give you all you need to permanently end the complaints, fights, blame and criticism wreaking havoc on your love life, and create a new relationship that overflows with joy and vitality.

Our unique full-body approach to learning literally reprograms your mind and body with every breath you take. We use meditation, journal exercises, movement, personal stories, statistics and more to help you break free of the cycle holding you captive, and give you a new roadmap to lasting love and intimacy.

Everything we teach has been kitchen-and-bedroom tested by us. The tools in this program have helped us through the ups and downs of raising kids, going from being broke to being wealthy, several multi-state moves, and even just figuring out who does the dishes. The tools work, and we know that in our bones.

You’ll see changes right away, even if only one partner is committed to the journey.

And as you practice, it gets better and better. Fights become less and less frequent, and intimacy and shared laughter happens more and more.

In this breakthrough program, you’ll learn:

  • The same 5 tools we’ve used to consistently and continuously generate a flow of passion and harmony within our own marriage – and how you can transform your relationship, no matter how stuck or frustrated you feel right now
  • The tried-and-true technique to turn your relationship into a blame-free zone – doing this will cause a surge of vitality and good feeling between the two of you
  • The quick and fool-proof way to spot the unconscious drivers that are hindering your ability to fully experience all the love you're meant to enjoy
  • Why traditional wedding vows are a recipe for disappointment, and how to make new promises to each other that create a truly enduring and forever-deepening bond
  • The not-so-obvious reason you're feeling compelled to criticize each other – and a simple, enjoyable strategy that will reverse the pattern of criticism in a relationship (even one hour a week doing this will produce magical results)
  • Why relationship breakdowns are actually a good thing, and how to use any crisis as a springboard to a whole new level of intimacy in your relationship
  • The 5 listening filters or shields that will prevent you from truly connecting with your partner – becoming aware of these will help you get to know your partner in ways you never have before
  • The best aphrodisiac anyone has ever discovered (it's powerful, works instantly, you can do it anytime, and it won't cost you a thing)
  • The 4 key feelings you must be able to communicate to your partner – plus a simple, powerful 2-step process to help you accurately identify and clearly express your emotions
  • The quickest way we know of to enhance the flow of positive energy in any relationship (this is our favorite tool – one we can't live without. If you have 10 seconds, you can do this!)
  • The 2 commitment problems that are responsible for much of the energy drain in a relationship – 3 out of 5 couples experience significant enhancement in their relationship when they recommit in the way we’ll teach you

This Program Includes:

Section 1:  Lay The Foundation For True Harmony

Section 1: Lay The Foundation For True Harmony

  • How we transformed our own relationship over three decades ago (we’re now more in love than ever)
  • The secret to creating true partnership and equality so both your and your partner feel fulfilled
  • The higher purpose of your relationship and how your relationship can propel you to grow
Section 2:  Get Out Of Negative Patterns

Section 2: Get Out Of Negative Patterns

  • Why your relationship crisis can be the best thing that ever happened to you
  • The real reason you keep experiencing the same relationship problems over and over (our Commitment Builder Tool will help you claim the love you long for)
  • Why you feel like your partner doesn’t truly hear you – and how to truly listen so that your partner feels deeply understood
Section 3:  Turn On The Flow Of Positive Feelings

Section 3: Turn On The Flow Of Positive Feelings

  • A surprising way to rev up the intimacy and romance in your relationship
  • The Blame Eliminator and Emotions Clarifier: two tools to stop attacking each other and start being allies in love
  • One thing you can do (without your partner even knowing about it) to prevent criticism from destroying your relationship
Section 4:  Feel Deeply Appreciated and Loved

Section 4: Feel Deeply Appreciated and Loved

  • The Creative Identity Enhancer: this can save your relationship – and your life
  • The Appreciation Spiral: our favorite and most frequently used technique to keep the good feelings flowing
  • How to make your partner feel cherished and uniquely loved by you – and get them to stop complaining about you

ADD 30 Days Of Video Coaching With Us – Absolutely Free!

Lasting Love Every Day 1-Month Free Coaching

With your Breakthrough To Bliss purchase, you’ll have the opportunity to experience our powerful Lasting Love Every Day video mentoring series. These daily "mini lessons" help couples recommit to more love, better communication and positive feelings in less than 5 minutes a day—and they’re FUN!

You can try the first month completely free. After that, you’ll be billed only $29.97 per month. That’s less than 1 dollar a day!

Our daily videos are packed with the MOST effective tools and techniques to bring more harmony and resilience to your relationship. If, for any reason, you aren’t completely satisfied within the first month, simply let us know and we will cancel the subscription – no questions asked. You’ll still get to keep the first month’s videos for free.

Try Breakthrough To Bliss – Risk-Free

Feel Close, Connected And In Love Again

4+ hours of powerful audio: tips, techniques & workbook exercises

Amazing value: just $139.97 or 4 payments of $34.99


Our Risk-Free Promise

Powerful Change Is Just A Few Clicks Away

If you were one of our clients, the tools and training in this program would cost you thousands of dollars. We know this isn’t realistic for most couples, and that’s why we created a program that gives all the benefits of our in-person trainings, but costs much less.

For a low monthly payment, you’ll get all you need to transform your relationship:

  • Almost four hours of advice that you can listen to immediately, either online or downloaded to your preferred audio device
  • A 30+ page workbook with 20+ exercises to help you develop the skills you need for effortless bliss
  • Our Relationship Harmonizer: a special soundtrack designed to help singles and couples create deep mental, emotional, and spiritual rapport and connection, facilitating the creation of a deep and lasting bond

Because we know the powerful impact this program will have on your life, we don’t want you to have any reason not to try it. If you aren’t completely satisfied once you try out this program, you can return it hassle-free within the first 7 days. We’ll refund every penny, no questions asked.

Love is our greatest gift. It’s the source of inspiration, the flow that allows us to contribute to the world. The origin of our health, happiness and harmony.

When our relationships thrive, we have endless amounts of energy and creativity flowing through our bodies. We do better at work. We are healthier. We invent. We play.

When our relationships struggle, we struggle. All of our energy is drained by the cycle of blame, criticism and conflict. We are at war with each other, and ourselves.

We want you to end the war. And Breakthrough To Bliss is the best way to do it.

We’ll leave you with this question:

Why spend another day in anything less than a vibrant, connected, wonderfully abundant relationship?

You may not be able to change the past, but you can create a new, brighter future… one choice at a time.

Try Breakthrough To Bliss today. You’ll be delighted by what you can invent.

With love,

Signed by Katie & Gay Hendricks

Try Breakthrough To Bliss – Risk-Free

Feel Close, Connected And In Love Again

4+ hours of powerful audio: tips, techniques & workbook exercises

Amazing value: just $139.97 or 4 payments of $34.99


Luminaries We Call Friends Say…

  • John Gray, Ph.D.

    Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks are masters in the art of intimacy.

  • Deepak Chopra

    The inner intelligence of the body is the ultimate and supreme genius. Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks show us how to connect with his inner intelligence and discover the secrets to healing, love, intuition and insight.”

  • Geneen Roth

    If you ask me, Gay and Katie are the perfect exemplars for stunningly conscious, incredibly loving, ever evolving and utterly fabulous relationships. When I grow up, I want to be just like them.

  • Pilar Gerasimo

    As an editor, I rely on the Hendricks as expert sources for all kinds of life know-how, from relationships and professional development to mind-body wisdom. As an individual, I consider them my personal role-models for healthy, happy, conscious living and loving. If you're committed to the journey of living your own best, most vibrant life, you simply could not ask for better or more compassionate guides.”

  • Neale Donald Walsch

    “I've known Kathlyn and Gay Hendricks as friends for many years. I am so deeply impressed with the love, wisdom, and clarity that Kathlyn and Gay bring to their work. Their insights on relationships can be life-changing. Our most personal interactions with each other mark the core of our experience as humans. This is where the real growth is, this is where the real opportunity for true soul work begins. Kathlyn and Gay are gifts to the heart and soul, opening both to new and grander experiences.”

Try Breakthrough To Bliss – Risk-Free

Feel Close, Connected And In Love Again

4+ hours of powerful audio: tips, techniques & workbook exercises

Amazing value: just $139.97 or 4 payments of $34.99