End The Loneliness, Disappointment and Heartbreak of Single Life.

Here’s The Secret to Attracting The Person Your Heart Has Been Longing For.

You CAN be fully known and loved. After coaching thousands of singles to attract genuine love into their lives, we’re here to tell you it’s not only possible – but entirely within your reach. And it starts here:

Are you fed up with the endless stream of go-nowhere relationships, disappointing dates, empty beds and lonely weekends?

Are you tired of being single (still), or dateless (yet again), or wasting time with losers, commitment phobes and other “no-potential” men?

Are you beginning to wonder if something is wrong with you? That maybe you aren’t cut out for love. Or that you’ll never find the person you can fully be yourself with?

That your Mr. Right doesn’t exist. That you are too old. Or too smart. Or too out of shape. Or too successful. Or too damaged to win his heart?

You see couples everywhere. Holding hands walking down the street. Across candlelit tables. Pushing baby-carriages or with ten year olds, in grocery stores and at the park.

It feels like there’s this secret everyone else has figured out, and that you are missing the “marriage gene” that some people seemed to come by so effortlessly.

When will it be your turn?

When will you find your person that you can be fully yourself with? Whom you can tell all your hopes and dreams? Who will comfort you when you are sad, hold your hair back when you are sick, and make you laugh – down to your toes – at a moment’s notice?


Your turn is NOW.

So let’s get started.

The Biggest Barrier To Genuine Love Isn’t What You Think

After working with people in therapy and seminars for a combined 80 years, you can imagine we’ve met a lot of lonely and heartbroken single people.

And all of them – no matter what their age, race, gender or profession – felt like you are feeling right now.

And, more importantly, all of them – every single one – had the wrong idea about what was preventing them from creating genuine, lasting love.

But here’s the most important part:

Since they had the wrong idea about what was CAUSING them to have so much disappointment in love…

They all were doing the wrong things to try to fix it.

In fact, they were making their situations WORSE.

But the good news is, once you understand the difference between “what it takes to get a date” and “what it takes to find a partner for life”, you can STOP all the self-destructive patterns you are in…

And you can start to change from the inside out.

The Difference Between A Date And A Soul Mate

Most advice out there about love and relationships focuses on tactical things that deliver short-term results.

How to flirt. When to call a person back. Why he didn’t call. When to have sex. First date tips. Where to meet men. How to pick up women… The list goes on.

This type of advice may get you a date, or even a temporary relationship.

It may even get you married.

But there’s a difference between the kind of changes that get you short-term results… and the kind of changes that get you genuine love for a lifetime.

These types of superficial strategies won’t bring you a partner that is right for you down in your soul. Or one who will partner with you to create easy, lasting, open-hearted love.

It won’t bring you the partner that really fits who you are looking for, and who will make you happy for decades.

But what they will do is PREVENT you from addressing the real cause of your dating and relationship challenges.

And you’ll waste a whole lot of time in the process.

What REALLY Prevents You From Attracting Lasting Love

Here’s the truth about attracting genuine love in your life: it’s all about small inner shifts that have big, life-changing results.

And, when you make them, you can make every single dating mistake in the book and it won’t matter.

These inner shifts get to the root of what’s blocking you from finding true love (destructive beliefs, fears, doubts, insecurity and pain) and empower us to know what we really want and don’t want in life and love.

These love blockers run under the surface of all we say and do, and even though we often don’t realize it, they control who we attract and how we feel in our relationships.

It shows up in the men we date (unavailable, untrustworthy, jerks, deadbeats, cheaters.. you name it).. and in the way we feel with them (unfulfilled, disconnected, unsupported, lonely, fearful, incomplete…), and how we feel about ourselves (lonely, afraid, not pretty enough, not smart enough, anxious…)

And until we address those root causes, we will never change the way we experience love.

These shifts go deep, but with our guidance, they don’t have to be hard.

In fact, you can start making them right now, and see immediate progress in your love life.

You just need a guide that helps you identify what these shifts are, how to make them, and how to keep them.

Our program, Attracting Genuine Love, is that guide. And it’s guaranteed to help you make changes with lifelong results, if you are ready to make them.

Re-Program The Beliefs And Emotions Blocking You From Love

We’ve been coaching singles for decades on how to break all the unconscious patterns and destructive habits that are holding them back from genuine love.

We’ve seen person after person – no matter how desperate they felt or “unlucky in love” they had been – find who their hearts have been yearning for once they’ve identified and replaced these hidden destructive forces with healthy, loving ones.

So if you really want to radically transform your love life and create genuine, lasting love…there is no better system than this one to make it a reality.

Attracting Genuine Love gets to the root of your relationship problems, and uses every tool in our arsenal to banish the beliefs, feelings and bad habits holding you back from love. We integrate audio, video, workbook exercises, body intelligence practices, breathing techniques and meditations to ensure that once you banish these destructive love-blockers, they stay banished.

Studies show that we accelerate our learning when we involve more of our senses. Our three-part approach (audio teaching + video sessions + body-mind harmonizing) means you’ll be able to integrate these concepts and create real change.

It’s a complete mind, body and soul reprogramming.

And it’s the best way for you to finally find the love and relationship you’ve been waiting for.

In the Attracting Genuine Love audio lessons, Gay will teach you:

  • The real reason why you’re still single – and the quickest way to attract a genuine, lasting relationship
  • Why you’ve been attracting the wrong kinds of people – and how to finally break the cycle, even if it has been happening for years
  • The fastest way to attract a compatible partner (if you don’t do this, you’re just setting yourself up for disappointment and more go-nowhere relationships)
  • Identify and dissolve any hidden barriers that are keeping you from love (even if you think you’ve already done enough work around this area)
  • Why you might be inadvertently pushing away the love you want
  • Why you absolutely should be selfish in your search for a mate – and which commitments you need to make now to find him
  • The real reason why it’s so hard for you to attract the relationship you want (although everything else in your life seems to come so easily)
  • Why you should be picky about things like physical appearance – and how to find a partner who really turns you on

In the Attracting Genuine Love video lessons, Katie will teach you:

  • Whole-body exercises so that the changes you make stick with you (when you involve more of your senses, you absorb and integrate new information far better)
  • A powerful affirmation and breathing technique that, when used together, will propel you towards the love of your life
  • An exercise that will help you zero in on the kind of partner that would be right for you – and what partner you should steer clear of
  • Why the things you complain about in your life are a powerful key to uncovering why you’re not already in love
  • How to release past pain (whether in your childhood or previous relationships) so you can fully open your heart to love
  • How to be the best listener so that people are naturally drawn to you and feel accepted by you
  • How to reprogram your bio computer to remove limiting ideas that you learned in childhood so that you can start making new, better choices

ADD 30 Days Of Video Coaching With Us – Absolutely Free!

Lasting Love Every Day 1-Month Free Coaching

With your Attracting Genuine Love purchase, you’ll have the opportunity to experience our powerful Lasting Love Every Day video mentoring series. These daily "mini lessons" help couples recommit to more love, better communication and positive feelings in less than 5 minutes a day—and they’re FUN!

You can try the first month completely free. After that, you’ll be billed only $29.97 per month. That’s less than 1 dollar a day!

Our daily videos are packed with the MOST effective tools and techniques to bring more harmony and resilience to your relationship. If, for any reason, you aren’t completely satisfied within the first month, simply let us know and we will cancel the subscription – no questions asked. You’ll still get to keep the first month’s videos for free.

Our Risk-Free Promise

Watch Attracting Genuine Love – Risk-Free

Attract Your “Soul Mate” – Not Just Another Date

4+ hours of powerful advice: 60 pages of workbook exercises

Amazing value: just $139.97 or 4 payments of $34.99


We Guarantee This Program Will Change Your Life

Because we know the powerful impact this program will have on your life, we don’t want you to have any reason not to try it. If you aren’t completely satisfied once you try out this program, you can return it hassle-free within the first 7 days. We’ll refund every penny, no questions asked. Try it now, and experience the powerful changes for yourself.

You’ll receive:
  • Over 4 hours of powerful advice that you can start watching and listening to immediately. That’s two hours of audio and two hours of video that you use on any device: desktop, mobile, tablet – even your IPOD!
  • 60+ pages of workbook exercises, journaling, mediations and more to help you imprint these changes in your mind and body for lasting impact.
  • Our Relationship Harmonizer: the best tool we’ve ever seen to help you magnify our teachings and access your innermost secrets.

Together, we’ll change your love life from the inside out, and give you all you need to attract lasting, genuine love.

Why Spend Another Day Unhappy in Love?

There is no reason for you to feel lonely and disappointed in love ever again.

When you complete this program, you’ll have everything you need to dramatically change your love life, and create a new kind of relationship unlike any that you’ve ever experienced before:

A relationship with an equal partner whom you can be your complete self with.

A relationship filled with easy, flowing love that gives you energy and joy to channel throughout your life.

The relationship you’ve been longing for. And it starts right here, right now.

With love,

Signed by Katie & Gay Hendricks

Watch Attracting Genuine Love – Risk-Free

Attract Your “Soul Mate” – Not Just Another Date

4+ hours of powerful advice: 60 pages of workbook exercises

Amazing value: just $139.97 or 4 payments of $34.99


Our Customers Say…

  • Thank you so much for this amazing experience. Attracting Genuine Love has given me a much clearer sense of who I am and the kind of person I’m looking for. For the first time in years, I feel a sense of HOPE when it comes to relationships”

  • I have already done your wonderful eCourse and I know that it is one of the main reasons why now – a year and a half on – I have a wonderful partner in my life & we are engaged to be married next year and are about to move in together. I have attracted genuine love (yeah!) & it feels marvelous! This is the best relationship of my life (I’m 44) and I know if can get better over time. Your work & living example has taught me so much about relationships. I have found your wisdom and practical advice to be invaluable to me. My deepest thanks to you both.”

  • Before purchasing Attracting Genuine Love, I had gone through a divorce, and had two significant relationships in two years that ended the same lonely place. I couldn’t understand why true love was for other people and not for me. Taking the course for me was like turning on the lights in a dark room. The course taught me what genuine love really is, and what it takes to find and keep it. I am now in a wonderful relationship that is better than I ever could have imagined! Thank you, Gay & Katie!”

  • I was shocked and delighted to discover how well Attracting Genuine Love actually works! Best of all, I met an amazing, inspiring woman within days of completing the course! Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.”

Watch Attracting Genuine Love – Risk-Free

Attract Your “Soul Mate” – Not Just Another Date

4+ hours of powerful advice: 60 pages of workbook exercises

Amazing value: just $139.97 or 4 payments of $34.99